Thursday, March 7, 2013

Snow Time Like the Present

Today, to make a diversion from the sameness of the day, I went for a short walk outside. Bouts of illness and changing weather of late, have made those walks infrequent. There was a steady light snow falling. Accumulating on old snow and the cars, but not cold enough that the streets were just wet. Still snow amidst the trees, the pines, maples and walnuts.

The local flock of wild turkeys had paid their visit around the birdfeeder. Selecting the choice leftovers from the birds. Thin last spring, now quite fat and with brave squirrels trying to dart among them for choice bits of seed.

A favorite walk, up to the Robert Frost farm and then back. The wet snowflakes hitting my glasses.

Too quickly I was getting cold even through my gloves. Time to place my cane aside and do Sanchin.

Quiet the day.

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