Monday, August 21, 2017

Take the Next Step

As kata applications were not a focus when I learned Isshinryu

This is what I saw the opening of Seisan Kata being used for.


A later time by 1982 or so I began to realize what power

Was to be had simply by re-defining every movement by

‘taking the next step’ of the kata as part of the definition.


I had also come to realize every kata movement could be

Inserted into any sort of attack,


Here is a different example which also uses ‘take the next step’.

Of course an entire range of other force multipliers

Are also involved:


1. the manner of breathing.

2. years working a makiwara.

3. knuckle pushups.

4. a variety of different timing for the movement being used.

5. the manner the knee release is used.

And more.


A more complete explanation of the principle ‘Take the Next Step’

Can be found here.

1 comment:

Victor Smith said...

The logic behind ‘Take the Next Step’

On the surface it seems a very simple proposition, that of redefining kata application movement to include the next step of the kata, literally.
So simple it is very easy to overlook the potential of such applications.

After all, with makiwara training, etc, so your strike is stronger it does not seem advantageous to do more to finish an attacker.

However, everything is not equal. Many times we might be weaker than our adversary. Or our student might be at a size disadvantage as often can be the case for a woman or a younger person. Then again everyone has not put decades into makiwara training.

So another force multiplier that uses well practiced motion of continuing a kata’s strike with the following step, could be a sound option.

Personally I believe every kata movement should be able to disrupt any attack, but using the kata follow up step to strike into the opponents stance to drop them is a skill worth practicing.