Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Science of Technique Analysis

The Science of Technique Analysis


At the time I began karate study of potential technique applications was not a study in our group. Over the next few years it was very much the same in other karate style dojo I visited.


I’m sure it existed but was kept private and most possibly for dan students in those schools who did so..I entered the study if tai chi and then kung fu forms, but didn’t much inquire about the techniques use (of course I didn’t have the skill at that time, either), there was so much to learn about the techniques.-


A little later when I started study with Tristan Sutrisno I was shown a different use to Bunkai than what the magazines were describing and it was very efficient. In many senses it was a fusion of his family study of  1930’s Shotokan, 1930’s Aikido and Indonesian Tjimande.


Then in 1986 Dr. Yang Jwing Ming published two volumes of “Advanced Tai Chi” the 2nd of which was focused on Martial Applications.. My first interest is it was based on his version of the Yang system, and I was studying another version. But it takes great focus to move from the book to actuality.


I was now living in New Hampshire, Tristan was in Wilkes Barre, Pa and Ernest my Tai Chi , instructor was living in Pittsburgh , Pa.


Later taking the book along to the Bushi No Te Summer Camp and showing the book to Tristan whereby he remarked, jokingly, "Everything shown is what I teach."


Later thinking about his remark took the book to class, randomly opened a page and dropped a student with one of the techniques. Then randomly selecting another the same result


Not just techniques that work, but a functional template how to investigate potential technique usage, not dependant on tai chi. As I was interested in uncovering Isshinryu applications, this would prove a most useful too.


He takes each technique  and shows ways to 1) Down the Opponent 2) Chin Na the opponent and 3) Cavity Strike the opponent. Within these concepts he shows multiple ways this can be accomplished.


As I saw this applied to Isshinryu:


1) Down the Opponent or throws and other techniques to get them to the ground.

2) Chin Na the opponent or how the techniques could be used as a locking technique.

3) Cavity Strike the opponent or striking/kicking applications of the technique.


Of course this does not include all of the possibilities.


There is more including a detailed examination of the tai chi 2 person fighting form with more applications and also techniques to neutralize those techniques.


Opening further studies on how to neutralize every Isshinryu technique.


This does not really show the entire value to this book.

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