Saturday, November 5, 2022

A boy draws ninjas in school


Nov 5, 2013

The school principal who fears for the safety of other 8 year olds in school because a boy draws ninja, and soldiers is spouting non-sense.

For there are plenty of other un-safe activities. consider pencils, pens, books, Laptop computers all can cause severe impact activity. Or outside school activity like baseball or softball can be used for severe impact too, or dance and soccer can become used for kicking activity, or football and wrestling can be used for body impact. Allowing youth to wear shoes can cause stepping in walking be turned into a weapon. 

I train youth in karate, and have done so for 35 years, proper training teaches youth to run away with confidence, except when they are threatened or others are and there is no other rational choice.

If you start with fear, you can’t stop.

For it takes years for serious defense.

Never have I had a student with training abuse it. A rational response would be to teach the youth the difference between fiction for fun and reality instead of trying for an over reaching quick answer.

But that is too rational for this non-competent administrator who really doesn’t care about instruction, just covering their butt and promoting fear instead of teaching.

 And this is who is charged with running a school.

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