Friday, July 12, 2024

Karate: Jyoshinmon - Throwing techniques of Hoshu Ikeda - my transcription

Karate: Jyoshinmon - Throwing techniques of Hoshu Ikeda

Soshihan Hoshu Ikeda was born in China and lived there until he was 12 when his parents returned to their home country, Japan. There, in Kagoshima he began practicing Shorin ryu and was a student of master Isamu Tamotsu (1919-2000), founder of the style Shorinji ryu and president of Renshinkan in Kagoshima. Tamotsu had learned from two disciples of Chotoku Kyan: Zenryo Shimabukuro and Joyen Nagazato.

Attacker RFF R Punch  Jab– you are in a lff Cat Stance
⦁    RFF Right rising elbow strike to the face ( or upper body)
⦁    You move forward on the interior line of defense
⦁    Then drop the forearm, hand into their shoulder

Attacker LFF L Punch Jab – you are in Hachi dachi
⦁    Rotate torso right and r hand strikes their face.
⦁    You do not move forward to strike
⦁    RFF Right hand strikes their left shoulder, takedown    
⦁    You may step forward on the strike to their shoulder

Attacker RFF R Punch Jab – you are in a lff Cat Stance

⦁    As they strike, step to the left and parry across with your left hand
⦁    As you do that, raise your right hand as in a rising elbow strike
⦁    Then press into their right shoulder (or upper right arm with the left around their fore arm) and take them down
⦁    Or press into both their shoulders to make a forced takedown

Attacker RFF R Punch Jab– you are in a lff Cat Stance
⦁    As they strike, step to the left and parry across with your left hand
⦁    As you do that, raise your right hand as in a rising elbow strike
⦁    Spin clockwise and as you spin before their foot, slap your left palm into their triceps, forcing them down

Attacker RFF R Punch Jab– you are in a lff Cat Stance
⦁    As they strike, step to the left and parry across with your left hand
⦁    As you do that, raise your right hand as in a rising elbow strike
⦁    Slap your left palm into their triceps, forcing them down

Attacker RFF R Punch Jab– you are in a lff Cat Stance
⦁    As they strike, step to the left and parry across with your left hand
⦁    As you do that, your right foot moves forward as you raise your right hand as in a rising elbow strike – this forward rising movement lifts them up and then down.

Attacker LFF L Punch Jab – you are in lff cat stance

⦁    As they begin to move, step rff into a deep stance – your right foot outside their left foot..
⦁    As you move, your right open hand slides into their neck, the force of that movement forces them down (your foot is outside their leg, but your body and strike is on the inside of their striking arm, making the wedging motion for the takedown.

Attacker LFF L Punch Jab – you are in lff cat stance
⦁    As they begin to move RFF into a deep horse stance behind their left leg
⦁    At the same time both hands move out up then down in separate directions, offering better alignment,  your body is no the inside of their thrust,your right hand comes down on their left collar bone driving them to the floor
⦁    The movement from Patsai, pinan sandan, or sunsu


Angel Lemus The term ShorinJi-ryu was attached to Kyan's Karate and used by his leading students before Isamu Tamotsu Sensei studied Karate. The term Shorin-Ji was the one of the main differentiators between the Shorin-Ryu Karate of Kyan Sensei and the Shorin-Ryu Karate of Chibana Sensei.
Nobuyuki  "Kaji In this interview, Ikeda says very clearly that his teacher (Isamu Tamotsu) told him, "Your style is Jyado! " It means that his style is not a “legitimate” way. "Jyado" is such a harsh word for teacher uses to his student. I think that was why Ikeda decided to broke away from Tamotsu, and research and study by himself.

Michael Howard If that's the case Then jyado is the way for me


I’ve only examined ½ of the video. But I have noticed the motion analysis for these throws is similar to the movements of Motobu Choiki. They seem to be an examination of every possibility off of it.



Ikeda Hoshu / Jyoshimmon yakusoku kumite vs. generic yakusoku kumite

⦁    Generic
⦁    Attacker High Round kick
⦁    Defender Reverse Punch counter

⦁    Yakusoku
⦁    Attacker RFF Right Punch
⦁    Defender Step to right, left high parry to strike
⦁    Then wrap left arm around their striking arm
⦁    Punch, press into shoulder takedown

⦁    Generic
⦁    Yakusoku


Kashiba dojo training

Attacker LFF L punch         Defender in LFF Cat Stance
⦁    Parry across with the left hand – moving the attacking arm to the right.
⦁    Right hand block as in Seisan kata (bent wrist to the outside of the attack)
⦁    Right hand (Forearm) strike into their ribs (sitting down in horse stance to generate power)
⦁    Alternate, left forward elbow strike

Attacker LFF L punch         Defender in RFF Cat Stance
Attacker follow with a right punch
⦁    Parry across with the left hand
⦁    Then immediately parry their right strike with a right open hand to the outside
⦁    Right then left shutos to their head


Karate leaks 1 


Karate leaks 2


Photo: Sparring of Sai (Mr. Omura Motozen) against Bo (Mr. Tsuha Komei), Okinawa Times Hall, 1963.

Mr. Omura and Mr. Tsuha were some of the earliest students of Uehara Seikichi sensei. They were also the earliest students of Nakamura Shigeru sensei (Okinawa Kenpo). By the way, this picture seems to be one of the oldest pictures of weapons sparring after WWII.



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