Saturday, September 7, 2024

A Saifa Application – Patrick from RT

From: "Patrick & Lauren Sutton" com

Hey Victor,
Hope all is going well.  The weather in Oakland is holding up nicely, about 80 and sunny today.
We had an instructor named Romney Taylor stop by our dojo last Monday.  I think he was in SF for a business seminar and he randomly stopped by to train with us for the night.  Really nice guy, he teaches in Buffalo NY.  It sounded like he's good friends with Joe Swift, so I thought you might know him by name association.
Romney gave me some great applications to think about during Saifa, which I really haven't developed much since leaving NH.  We've lost the charger to our camera, maybe once it's recovered I can try to convince Lauren to be an uke to share a video of some of the ideas. 
The components I really enjoyed was his interpretation of the intro and the conclusion.
: Response to a straight arm grab.


1.) Opponent grabs right wrist
2.) Step feet together, chamber right hand, grab their hand with your left hand
3.) Twist their hand over and pull their arm across your body, reinforcing your right forearm and elbow on top of their overturned arm (an arm bar).
4.) sink into your stance, forcing the opponent to drop down
5.) Descending right elbow strike to the back of their elbow joint, back fist to their face.

Conclusion: Sinking into a cat stance with left hand over the right
1.) Left open hand or inside edge of the forearm strike to opponents neck
2.) Slide behind them, transition left arm into a choke hold.
3.) Right palm strike into into side of lower back
4.) Step back into a low cat stance, left arm in choke, right hand in lower back, dropping the opponent backwards into an arch landing on your right knee from cat stance.

I think those interpretations hold up with some of the smash and destroy techniques you started teaching me.  Visuals of course would be better.  I'll work on that. 



Note: RT is Romney Taylor who is from Buffalo and is a friend with training in Isshinryu and Goju Ryu.

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