Thursday, September 12, 2024

How Karate is taught in French schools

On some Face Book site I was engaged in a discussion whether a college  education was mandatory to teach karate to youth. Of course having done so for decades I felt it did not necessarily add and depth to karate instruction.  The discussion started over the JKA requiring a master's college education for their senior instructors.

Of course it went back an forth.

Then quite some time ago I received a message from someone who had just moved to the US from France. His message was in French. Alas, while I did my best to translate the message, I did not save his name.

While I had discussed my free program through the Boys and Girls Club, he was attempting to explain the differences between school karate programs in France. Of course any errors are mine,

I offer this to give one something to ponder on about how karate is taught in different locations around the world.


Alas, my humor here is intentional

In Europe dear Victor, it is compulsory in all schools in the nations to make sport of kindergarten age up to the age of 15 years 3 times 2 h. per week and then parents doors then their children in gymnastics halls, and 15 years have peacekeeper seriously the sport have want for life.

This is for the mass of people. And if you decide to wish to teach then there are schools of France that have made and licenses the state board to spend and if you succeed then you are associate professor of education... for children and adults.

But they ask the clubs or institute to have medical certificates to see if you are able to make sport... then for sports of no matter what tennis, soccer or karate need to present a certificate of athletics of the doctor for athletes or sportsmen. that is all the same as the first. We are seriously in Europe... person take risks of health of people.!

Education is a more complicated issue in the United States.  As it developed on the local level control of the content first resides in local school boards across the country.

Then States took control of various contents of the education process. Each state having different requirements.

But the bottom line it remained a local issue because most of the money was raised through local real estate taxes.

Tegumi!   Finally the Federal Government of the United States got involved through Federal funds providing funding for some school lunches.

However most control rests at each local level. In part based on Constitutional issues.

On the local level much of the issue rests with money. Local school boards are often loath to spend more than for the most necessary educational funding. And each board fights for local control, and as the House of Representatives are all elected every two years at the local level, things are most resistant to change.

I agree with you much more physical education is necessary. There are individual areas which have superior programs but on the whole there is much more needed. But as there are more  pressing current issues unless something happens for leadership on this issue it will likely not change.
Then another time he made this comment about karate in France.

The French had once wanted to do karate called karate - french, became a major disaster, then they have made call to Kase sensei and not like the strict teaching of basic Japanese, so they called J.P. Lavorato which was 6 dan Shotokan of Kase, and Wizard + Francis. So they made the correct total and renamed the Kase Shotokan which was Japanese and this has passed.

But the American karate are not at all if they are is crap, apologizing for the term...Ossu.

The good teachers in this country oriental if one goes in sabbatical 3 months a year in her own country for doing it the real martial's like the football American is not the real one...the soccer are the real one....but with this concept no body can hurts me and vice versa....America become delicate people today.


Those are his words, I have a very different opinion. But then again I do not follow JKA standards and just practice Isshinryu karate.

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