Monday, July 20, 2015

Chinkuchi and Naraasun

Another term Chinkuchi in the “Uchinaanchu nu Tuudi tu Tegua” the “Okinawan Karate and Kobudo Handbook” prepared by the University of the Ryukyus  which is used within Isshinryu karate.
Chinkuchi defined as combined power of muscle, tendon and bone.
ちん chin (筋肉 muscle)  + くんち kunchi (体力 stamina) = ちんくんち chinkunchi
Use the combined power of your muscles, bones, and tendons together.
When a bird flies long distances, it relies not only on the wing muscles, but on a
combination of muscle, tendon and bone working together. This is called
Hand techniques also use chinkunchi  briefly at the point of contact.
IMO, this seems related to Shishee   and Atifa which I have previously made posts about, 

Yet another concept worth thinking about, how things have changed is
Naraasun  defined as let you learn
In olden times, it was said that things were learned by oneself than taught.
Look with your eyes, listen with your ears.
An interesting contrast to the comments of in  Hokuma Sensei’s ‘Eight Important Precepts of Quanfa’.  From the Bubishi. (1)
The eyes do not miss even the slightest  change / the ear listens in all directions.
He comments “those who would strive to master the martial arts never slack off, nor do they ever provide openings ffor an opponent to attack. They strive to improve the workings of their own eyes and ears, and make efforts at gaining an ability to make quick decisions based on movement and sound. In other words, they train to be able to “read” the opponent.
It is interesting the Okinawans used this to learn when they were being instructed. Assuming the student was developing these abilities. Thus it became the students responsibility to take the initiative to learn when being instructed.
Different from assuming the instructor was responsible to teach this. Of course it also relates back to the term Haabeeruu in a sense too.
There is much to be learned from this book.
(1)            From Joe Swift’s book “The Essence of Naha-te” page 51.
Further references:
          Mario McKenna

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