Thursday, April 27, 2023

Crescent Kicks Plus


KishimotoDi's post 


In a whipping manner he demonstrates doing an inside crescent kick followed by a snappy front kick. Or an Outside crescent kick also followed by a variation of a snappy front kick. 



This is a scene from my self training. I am demonstrating a whip leg technique. You use the whip leg (in this video my left leg) to block a jodan or chudan zuki, then the same leg will give counter kick. We call this block sokuto or sokutei kaiten uke. Of course you can use this whip leg to attack the opponent jodan. The whipping of the leg can be done inside and outside circles. The key point here is the height and speed which require total relaxation of your leg and the flexibility. Video · Yokota Kousaku



Victor Smith


When I was a beginner we used to do an inside crescent kicks and the return with an outside crescent kick, over a partner’s head, where they had first bent over. We would try to come as close to the partner’s head as possible.



What is being shown is just that drill, slightly modified for the actual kick being used.


Another group with similar unique kicking practices was David Brojack’s Kempo Goju. Their West Wing kick and their West Wind kick were both variations on the crescent kick.


Beginning from a left cat stance  the West Wing Kick was where you would jump up and deliver a front inside crescent  kick and while descending you would follow with  a right outside crescent kick.


Then from a left cat stance for the West Wind kick you would jump up and deliver a front outside crescent ikci and then while descending follow with a left inside crescent kick.


I learnt that while training with David and have never seen them elsewhere.


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