Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Unfoirtunately another great move I never filmed to down your opponent



***unfortunately I could not find a photo, this was the best I could find ***



A long time ago I was shown a restraining technique to make someone move where you wanted them to move. It involved sweeping their arm down between their legs, then reaching behind them to grab that arm and then lift it up. The placement of their arm would press into their groin area causing them to raise on their toes, to lessen the pressure against their groin. They they would toe walk wherever you directed them to go by the pressure of their arm pressing into their groin.


While an interesting locking technique in itself, often seen used in knife self  defense demo’s over the years, where the hand holding the knife would be the arm swept down, etc. for the demonstration.


Then one evening I was visiting a school, and trying to decide what would be an interesting movement to share. I never directly tried to teach Isshinryu in such settings. Personally that was something I preferred to do within my program, but I had a lot of interesting other things to draw from.


So I described that I would show them a come along technique to move someone where you wished.


I remember this, because one of the instructors, a young woman, thought that would not happen.


So I chose to use her for the demonstration.  She stepped forward with a punch.

I pressed that arm down to between her legs.

As I was doing that I shifted further forward to grasp her arm from behind her. Grabbing her arm, I lifted it upward.


The rising pressure of her arm pressed against her groin.

That pressure caused her to rise on her toes,

And continue to try to get away,

Causing her to flip over.


And I had not applied a great deal of pressure raising her arm upward.

Just that slight rising pressure was more than enough

to make her move away from that force.


Of course after that everyone fell into line.


A plausible use would be stepping forward on the exterior line of defense, against a punch.

Using the movement in Seiunchin kata where the right arm sweeps up and deflects the punch upward.

Commonly called the Seiunchin kata archers block.

At the same time the left arm strikes down and out into their lower abdomen.

Using that abdomen strike as a stop-hit the right hand just swoops their striking arm

Down between their legs.

Then slide forward so you left hand can grasp their attacking punching arm.

Grab that arm and lift if up.

Their arm then presses against their groin.

They are now under your control.


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