Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sherman Harrill on countering the double chest grab.


Unpacking my books, files and records from many past years, I came across a technique that I got from Sherman Harrill long ago (probably 1985 of 1986).

But it was good advice and still worth remembering.

The attack in question was a Double Chest Push.

Where you attempt to push up with both your palms, but their arms adjust an the push attempt does not work.

What Sherman showed was when you push up with both fists, their arms rise, and you have countered the attack. Allowing further response if necessary.

Of course there are many other  responses possible. This solution allows you to respond with less force. And then choose to follow up or not as you deem fit.

1.     How to Counter a Double chest Push

a.     If trying to push up with both palms won’t work,

b.    Push up with both fists, which will counter this attack. This will cause their arms to raise up so the grab does not work, creating an opening which can be exploited.

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