Thursday, April 20, 2023

The descending Butt strike from the Hidden Stick


So lets take it a step further and look

at the opening of the Hidden Stick form

as an exercise in reverse stepping.


It also fits my disabilities

To just concentrate on a piece of a form.



1. For on thing, using short sticks for the Hidden Stick

Means you don’t have to have a stick hidden in your sleve

Having the stick in your right hand is hidden enough.



2. The initial movement of the form

You step back with your right foot into a left foot forward cat stance,

while moving your  left hand vertical palm,

 forward and the hand with the stick moves upward

forming a parrying roof technique.

 Now you move your right foot alongside your left,

Then the left foot moves forward in into a left foot forward cat stance.

As you have moved towards your attacker,

Use that foreword movement to strike up.

Separate your hands.

The left vertical palm strikes into the chest of the attacker.

The right hand rises into a stick butt strike

Into the attackers jaw, to break it.


3. In the form the next movement is a right front kick

Followed by placing that foot down in a right front stance.

The left open hand slides down the arm during the kick

and then strikes as it slides out into the attacker during the kick.


Now you step your right foot alongside your left.

Then your left foot steps back into a right foot forward front stance.

There is no kick.

As your step concludes you strike downward with the butt of the stick.

Then your left hand slides down and strikes out with a horizontal palm strike.


4. The form continues with you in the right front stance.

You strike out to the head/neck on the left

And then strike downward into the knee on the right.


Remaining in your right front stance.

Your right hand delivers an outer strike to their neck with the butt of the stick.

And they you strike down into the knee on the right

Using a right descending butt strike.


I believe this a fair restatement

of the Hidden Stick opening

for the butt strike.

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