Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Tam Tuie - The Northern Chinese Kicking form


About 1982 I studied the Northern Chinese form Tam Tuie with Ernest Rothrock  in Wilkes Barre, Pa.

Then in 1984 as I was leaving the area I filmed many of the forms I studied with him

This is my 1984 performance of Tam Tuie  

You should note the kicks are delivered in shoes, making the toe kicks more penetration.

 This is another version of the form.

Tan Tui de Chin Woo (1-12)

As you can see the kicks are being delivered into the legs for the most part.

The version I was taught delivered the kicks into the ankles of the attacker. This Chin Woo version delivers the kicks into the thighs of the attacker.

Both versions can modified to kick either location.

Tam Tuie is a basic Northern Chinese form, used in many systems. Thee are varied versions of 8, 1, 12 and more rows. But also Tam Tuie is a complete Northern Chinese Muslim system in its own right;

Much later Ernest showed me another way to deliver those kicks. Before delivering the kick dragging the toes across the floor then sling shotting the kick from the floor into the target.

With greater penetrating power.

Of course Isshinryu has kicking which can be delivered into the thighs or the ankles.

Note: Northern Eagle Claw is a member of the Chin Woo association. All the member systems start their students with the same 10 forms. Tam Tuie being one of them. After those studies the school begins to teach their system forms. This was done to allow the member schools to have a common standard between the different schools.

In my studies I learnt 3 of those forms.


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