Saturday, September 2, 2023

A bit of a mystery for you.



Back about 1986 I was visiting my friend Tristan Sutrisno, whom I had studied some of his families Shotokan, Aikido and Tjimande tradition. He was holding a special training for his students and I observed as he taught them what he referred to as Master’s Lever Heian Shodan. It was an expanded version of the form using many additional techniques which I noted were in his dan bunkai studies. I suspect the name was a ‘joke’ to get their attention, but I liked the exercise.



Later I worked on it in NH, where I was living, and at times used it as a drill for my senior students. Years later when visiting him in his home, I asked a question about a technique from the form, demonstrating the movement, He was astonished I remembered it, then received an answer.



As in many one off trainings I received, I never filmed it. For one thing I had it. But if you want to have some fun at was a unique paradign for ‘bunkai’ of kata technique could be, one you won’t find others doing, This might be the exercise for you to work on.



This was  one of the examples of the secrecy of the Sutrisno system bunkai. Normally only studied after dan, this proved an exception to that rule. I understood I was bound to keep the secrecy, but then reality intervened. What I discovered without being trained no one really takes the time to work it out for themselves. So the secret, which of course is just hard work, remains safe.


For example the first principle is the form which standard begins stepping out with a left low block, has that block doubled, so the left low block/strike is followed my an immediate right low block/strike. As the attacker strikes toward you and you step in with a left low block to their strike to deflect it, then you deliver an immediate right low strike to their attacking arm right behind their elbow, where the arm bone is thinest, to break it or to severely disrupt their ability to use that arm again.


Likewise there is a triple block/ triple strike sequence to work the overload principle to get something in. This can be use as a superior 2 person drill to develop these skills too.


The rest of the form builds on the doubling block/strike with the 2nd motion.


Interesting stuff for the toolbox that you have to work to make your own.



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