Thursday, September 7, 2023

What is rank is an old story.






What is rank is an old story. As I did not belong to any associations, the structure I followed to Black Belt was what I learned under Lewis Sensei. You understand after dan, I followed my own idea such that rank is not truly needed in the dojo and that it was more useful for the instructor to know where everyone was.


At the same time I  held traditional dan rank through Lewis Sensei and Murray Sensei. That continues to the instructors though My Lewis should they ever decide to join other Isshinryu organizations. Consider this what is often discussed regarding rank FYI


Richard Ruberto


The topic of ranking in Isshin ryu comes up now and then. I believe it was Mr.Rick Cameron who was curious as to what ranking order the founder of Isshin ryu, Tatsuo Shimabuku sensei, used. So I am posting some information to answer his question. Firstly Shimabuku sensei was promoted to Judan by the Okinawa Karate Kobudo Rengokai. Throughout the years Tatsuo was in different Okinawa Martial Arts Associations. His style was recognized by most of his peers' with the exception of Nagamine Shoshin. Here is the ranking order used. (I am sure the rules were bent according to variants. Confirmed in the comments section below.)

10 Kyu Beginner White belt
9 Kyu 1 month White belt
8 Kyu 2 months White belt
7 Kyu 3 months White belt


6 Kyu 4 months Green belt
5 Kyu 5 months Green belt
4 Kyu 6 months Green belt


3 Kyu 9 months Brown belt
2 Kyu 8 months Brown belt
1 Kyu 9 months Brown belt


1 Dan 9-16 Months Black belt

2 Dan 3 Years Black belt
3 Dan 4-6 years Black belt

4 Dan 7-9 years Black belt Renshi
5 Dan 10-12 years Black belt Renshi
6 Dan 13-15 years Black belt Renshi


7 Dan 16-20 years Red & white belt Kyoshi *
8 Dan 20-25 years Red & white belt Kyoshi *

9 Dan 25-30 Years Red belt Hanshi *

10 Dan 30 Years and up Red belt Hanshi *


* Option of wearing a Black belt


"Continuous training in Isshin-ryu"


Richard Ruberto Additionally:This is the Isshin-ryu grading system that Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei used on Okinawa. They were suppose to follow it when wearing grades he passed out to them on Okinawa. The condition was that the grades were for "continuous training" in Isshin-ryu.

Up to 1960, Tatsuo promoted all who made black belt on Okinawa 6 Dan. Only two other Americans made different grades.
Harold Mitchum was given 8 Dan, and Steve Armstrong was given 7 Dan.

All certificates of grade, were given before leaving Okinawa. up to1960, silk certificates were given in kanji and English along with a silk Kenpo Gokui in both kanji and English.

According to Don Nagle, Tatsuo only had white and Black belts in 1956 to 1957. Art Smiley confirmed that Tatsuo only had white and black belt when he started in late 1956 to early 1958.


In December 1958, Tatsuo only had Green and black belt.


Around 1962 Tatsuo added added brown belt.

All who were promoted to these high grades were told they were suppose to wait until so many years and to then wear the appropriate grade.In other words they were entrusted with those ranks


Andy Sloane Richard Ruberto not all made 6th Dan; some made 5th Dan. Brown belt was added in late 1960 or early 1961. Don Nagle and Art Smiley started in February 1957 and May 1957, respectively.


Andy Sloane Tatsuo Sensei claimed Ju Dan many years earlier than 1968, which is when he was finally recognized as such by one of the main associations of the day.


Rick Cameron Wow...thx guys for sharing ur info how Shimabubu started his belt rank in his earlier days..


Richard Ruberto In 1960, Steve Armstrong and Harold Mitchum bought a Red Belt and gave it to Tatsuo Shimabuku saying he was a Judan. But Tatsuo Shimabuku was latter recognized as a Judan by the "All Okinawa Karate Kobudo Rengokai" of which he was a member .


Richard Ruberto Some of my notes were taken from an interview with Eiko Kaneshi sensei in Dec 24,1984 given by Advincula sensei.





My dojo Standards for rank as they developed.


When I was a student the only change made to kyu ranks was to replace the last green with a blue belt.


Later of course I adopted a modified rank system for the youth members, such as changing youth brown belts to Junior Black Belts


For dan the dojo standard were onkly 3 degrees of dan. In the dojo everyone knew what each other was doing….


1st dan for new  black belts

2nd dan for lifetime training where the focus was on their own karate development

3rd  dan for lifetime training where he focus was on more than their own needs, the greater knowledge of the system.


Instructor was not a dan grade, but a different challenge for lifetime. All instructors are 3rd dan too.


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