Friday, May 3, 2024

How to use Meotode By Kazumasa Yokoyama



The reception is not only the reception! Infinite skills born from "four movements"!

Learn advanced martial arts concepts that use both hands to attack and defend at the same time!

A martial arts technique that uses both hands to attack and defend at the same time. This technique, which is considered to be an important principle of Koden Karate, is carefully explained and instructed by Kazumasa Yokoyama of Kenshin Kaikan. The physical manipulation that is created as an extension of correctly understanding and practicing the meaning of basic movements is content to enhance the skills of not only karate practitioners, but also all martial arts and martial arts practitioners.


I have experienced various versions of this and made them a part of my instruction for my students. I referred to this as Multiple Striking.

Here are several blog posts I have made on this.


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