Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tatsuo Shimabuku and students 1960

 Mr.Scala and members,

I finally found what I was looking for, one of the times I first saw that photo you asked me to post, dated 1959.


That exact photo was sent into the U.I.K.A. (United Isshin ryu Karate Assoication)newletter, spring of 1992 issue, by Sherman Harrill sensei. The article came from the Newspaper article of the Traid and was dated March 4, 1960.

The caption under the photo read, Teachers and students of Isshando Karate - Over fifty Marines are presently training at Shimabuku's karate dojo in Agena. The finest Karate training in the world can be attained under the expert instruction of Shimabuku, 10th degree black belt, and Shinken Taira, originator and world's authority on "saya" and "boo" techniques. All phases of karate, it's values to the individual and to the Corps and its People-to-People merits are required at his school. This school is open during the week from 4 p.m. through 10 and on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 p.m. till 10 p.m.

In Isshin ryu,


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