Thursday, August 8, 2024

A letter to Charles Murray regarding the double jump kick in Chito Kata


While you did not teach me Chinto, I recall much later you discussed various double kicks that could be alternate versions of Chinto. Memory a funny thing however.

As I remember it was about a month after I received my black belt from the IKC. Training with you that dayn after we completed our sparring, you took me aside to explain various ways kata Chinto's double jump kick could be performed.

Part of me recalls 3 options.

    Jump with the left knee and then in midair throw the right high front kick.
    Jump with a left high front kick then throw a 2nd right high front kick.
    Jump in the air and then throw a left mid front kick, followed by a right mid front kick.

For sure the last 2 were beyond me, but I understood the concept. Later when I began teaching and not wanting to abandon the idea of those kicks, I made a change to the Kusanku kata I taught.

I was going to keep Chinto with the jumping knee strike then high jumping front kick, but for Kusanku, for advanced students I went to the left jumping high front kick followed by the right jumping front kick.

While I understood the 3rd kick, never worked it into any kata.

At least that is how I remember it. Jim Keenan's comment on Chinto possibilities came much, much later. But find it brought all this to mind.


As it turned out I worked my senior students kicking in Kusanku kata for a while. However we had so many things we were working on in time we set that version aside.

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