Saturday, August 31, 2024

Part of my Journey in Uechi Ryu

In 1985 when I first moved to New Hampshire, one of the things I worked on was to find the strongest karate in New England. I wanted to prepare my students to face the best I could find in that area.

I observed many styles at various New England open karate tournaments and I discovered the most impressive style was Uechi Ryu.

Shortly there after I began my adult program and shortly there after I had 3 Ueichi brown belt students approach me to consider if they could join my program. It was not they were disatisified with Ueichi, but the program they studied at was a commercial one, and the possibility to train in another good program that cost nothing appealed to their circumstances.

We reached a meeting of our minds and they joined my program. I explained I expected them to continue their Uechi training (before or after class for I respected their efforts to become brown belts). However in my program they would learn as White Belts, and acquiring my system from the ground up. They were agreeable.

As time passed I carefully observed their Uechi practices, and eventually Tom Chan, taught me he Uechi Sanchin and Uechi Seisan kata. Of course this allowed me an intimate look at what Uechi was about. Then in turn I used this for my studies how to neutralize their techniques.

On the East Coast George Mattson was the individual who introduced Uechi karate there.

This is a video of Mattson Sensei performing the 8 Uechi kata.

Uechiryu George Mattson kata demo
All eight kata are demonstrated


Another Okinawan Uechi instructor was Kiyohide Shinjo. Here he shows more Uechi training.

Powerful Sanchin Kata Testing of Kiyohide Shinjo in Okinawa, by Master Tsutomu Nakahodo, 1970's

This film is an excerpt from the first instructional video ever made by and Okinawan Karate Master, in the late 1970's. Filmed in the Kadena dojo, this powerful Sanchin test of the muscular Kiyohide Shinjo is conducted by Master Tsutomu Nakahodo, a senior black belt of the Kadena dojo.

The incredible strength of the stance and technique of the Uechi Ryu sanchin kata is exemplified in this film.

This film is an excerpt from the first instructional video ever made by an Okinawan Karate Master. Filmed in the Kadena Dojo, in the late 1970's, it set the standard, at that time, for black belt kata in the Kenyukai System of Uechi Ryu Karate Do.
 Seisan Kata is performed by Narahiro Shinjo.  Sanseiryu Kata by Okahama and Seichin Kata by Kiyohide, Narahiro, and Yako Shinjo.  All Kata is led by Tsutomu Nakahodo, a senior of the Kadena Dojo.
Taken from Alan Dollar's Okinawan Historical Series. Volume 2 of 3, Episode 3.Seisan, Sanseiryu and Seichin Katas, performed in the Kadena, Okinawa dojo,1970's. Old School

Uechi Futenma dojo and complete uncut movie of visit to Wakayama ,Japan dojo.
This is followed by what I believe to be a complete/ uncut movie of Wakayama, Japan dojo visit with GEM and Ryuko Tomoyose. Note: These movies were given to me in Oct/Nov 1999 when I was visiting Okinawa by Shintoku Takara sensei.  

Uechi Kanei visit to China : a different movie 

The first form seen in the video is a traditional Tang style lang quan (praying mantis). The second execution is Dog form (Gou quan or di shu quan). the third is saber in one of the southern styles. The fourth execution is chan chuan style (northern long boxing, or cha chuan north style). The fifth is a girl doing northern style chang chuan. the sixth execution is making sei san form of the uechi ryu style. the seventh is huzun quan white crane style. eighth execution is jian vs. jian (sword against sword). Ninth form wuzu quan. - tenth form is running the southern monkey form. Execution 11 clearly shows the Whooping Crane attack style.

Thanks for posting these classic videos.This is video of Master Kanei Uechi, GEM and Ryuko Tomoyose visit to China . I believe it is a more complete movie in that around 3 minutes and 15 minutes you will see Master GEM doing Seisan and Sanchin for the Chinese participants.
It is amazing how fast their hands are and how deep they can go in their stances .

It is also very evident in many katas what animal is being portrayed.

My efforts to be able to neutralize Uechi Ryu was a big part of my focus on working out how to apply Isshinryu technique. Eventually i moved on to other systems. Then I met Sherman Harrill and learned ever so much more. Eventually Sherman related how he worked with many Ueichi instructors at his seminars. He too was imprssed with Uechi Ryu, of course he had many ways to use his Isshinryu to give them fits.


 3 seconds KO by Karate Master; Kiyohide Shinjo


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