Thursday, August 29, 2024

And now a word from our sponsor


If you have been reading this blog by now you should know who I am. I am Victor Smith.

My journey in Isshinryu began in 1974 to my best recollection today.  I love my study and my instructors, they share their art freely with me, allowing me to develop my own Isshinryu following their teachings.

I have also been trained by many other instructors in many other arts. For as short a time as one day or as long a time as 45 years, learning from each of them. They each expanded my knowledge.

Of course I have lived long enough to reach the stage very few discuss with me any longer. That reality is something no one ever tells you.

I have continually striven to understand my Isshinryu better, each and every day. I have some small success at that and that study continues to this day.

Simply put, I believe my Isshinryu studies can whoop anyone on any art provided I use my studies correctly. Of course I also realize any other art applied correctly to me can also defeat me.  The work continues...

I have studied as much about Isshinryu as possible.

I have studied a wide range of other arts, to understand what is out there and of course use their technique and application to work to defeat such coming in my direction.

Let me give one example, selected at random, not to pick on anyone. Take Goju, as their practitioners work their  art to be able to defeat me, in turn I work my art (s) to do the same to the Goju artist.

When I became an instructor I freely gave my time to the youth where I lived through the Scranton Boys Club and then through the Derry Boys and Girls Club. I also ran a small adult program through the Derry club too.  


I always worked to give my students the best karate I could. Those kids who trained on the average stayed 2 or 3 years, however those who stayed until they were 18 and who received their sho dan all correctly moved on in their lives, as is appropriate for the young. Those adults who trained with me and made it to shodan, then continued to train with me for an average of 20 years. Those who became senior members stayed with me for +35 years.

I always wanted to know more about everything and actively pursued that. What I am sharing in this blog is a small percent of my ongoing studies.

Now much alone, I still continue to learn and understand more. I am also continuing to share some of what I grained freely for the use of others.

This ad is concluded.    LOL



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