Friday, May 12, 2023

On Shimabuku Tatsuo


Shimabuku Tatsuo sensei .. 1957 Kyan home and dojo.


Advincula: “ Maekawa-San, what did Tatsuo Sensei say is the most important thing in karate?”

Maekawa: “ Tatsuo said the most important thing is the eyes. To use peripheral vision. To see in eight directions. To concentrate in your attack. In seisan kata one must see first before moving.”

~ September 18, 1996 Interview with Maekawa Eikei (Major Mike) at School Park at Kin, Okinawa





December 24, 1984

33 years ago


Interview with Kaneshi Eiko, Shigema Genyu and Kaneshiro Kenji. At the home of Ikemiya Hiroshi, Taba, Gushikawa Shi, Okinawa.


Present were Arcenio and Michie Advincula, Cyrus G." Cyrus Bess Pride" and his wife Etsuko Bess, Hiroshi Ikemiya and his wife Yasue Ikemiya (Michie Advincula’s sister).

I tell Kaneshi Sensei and Shigema Sensei that I remember seeing a demonstration they had at Tairagawa on August 10, 1975. The demonstration was to commemorate for the 15th Anniversary of the Shorin-ryu (Kobayashi-ryu 小林流 ) Shigema Dojo. I tell Kaneshi that I remember seeing him perform the exorcist ritual that Shimabuku Sensei performed and if he would please demonstrate and explain it to me.

He demonstrates and explains the ritual Tatsuo did at all the big karate demonstrations.

Kaneshi Eiko at the time of the interview was a Shinto priest.

Kaneshi Eiko demonstrates by first alerting
heaven and earth by twice clapping his hands.


1. O Inori (祷りprayer) for good luck. Bow once.
2. Clap hands twice (
柏手 kashiwade), alerting heaven and earth (rub hands in a small circular motion).
3. One leg steps to the rear into seisan dachi chopping to the front as in the opening of kusanku kata.
4. Kiai (
気合) and simultaneously chop to both side as in wansu kata
5. Throw and scatter salt for purification


NOTE: Heaven and Earth (Tenchi 天地) denote Universe, World, Nature, Top Bottom.

Since seeing Kaneshi Eiko Sensei perform the ritual and honoring Tatsuo Sensei, I also perform the same ritual at major karate events.


Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei wanted all to know about his beloved Okinawan culture. This wis part of it.

— with Kaneshi Eiko at Taba, Gushikawa Shi (City), Okinawa.




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