Saturday, October 7, 2023

A Conversation with Choko Kiyuna Sensei (CK) Director-General, Okinawa Karate Do Shinkokai


Lara Chamberlain

Excerpt  Received in mail today by F. Christian Sensei

By Classical Fighting Arts (CFA),

Intro paragraph talking about previous presiding organization.

[Excerpts of Q&A to follow]


CFA: Presumably that organization was FAJKO.

CK: Yes. The reason was because that was the only way that Okinawan karate could be involved in karate throughout Japan. We were controlled by the president of FAJKO which was not acceptable to all Okinawan Sensei, as many of them did not agree with the way he thought about karate. Okinawa is the birthplace of karate, the roots of karate are here, and we are proud of this fact. Therefore our national pride did not allow us to be controlled by FAJKO and most of us were deeply unhappy with this situation.

This split the world of Okinawan karate into two groups; those who wanted to go with FAJKO and sport karate and the others who embraced Okinawan dent karate, and wanted to remain separate and independent.

We were dedicated to the preservation of genuinely traditional karate and felt that competition did not embody the spirit of our karate. Karate had spread around the world, so we felt that it would be bad for karate’s image if the various karate groups were always arguing.

CFA: So, am I right in thinking that Tokyo was not able to agree with any of your requests?

CK: Basically, that's right.

CFA: Will the Olympics use authentic (dentou)or the so-called seitei gata?

CK: No authentic kata at all, only sport kata.

CFA: Do they have so much control over you? You don't even belong to their association, do you!

CK: each movement in traditional karate has a meaning, whereas in sport kata, the performer just makes big dramatic motions like a robot.

In the beginning of Kusanku, we raise the arms to form the shape of a moon, with our hands forming the shape of a heart to signify stillness and peace. If an opponent attacks, of course we defend ourselves. Each Okinawan traditional kata has a profound meaning and each movement within the kata has a specific purpose.

In the absence of a solid understanding of the art, they keep changing the rules every two or three years without realizing the damage they are doing.

CFA: how do you feel about the future Sensei?

CK: we will apply to the UNESCO organization to register Okinawan karate. If we are successful, a truly world wide traditional Okinawan karate movement will be possible.

CFA: How would UNESCO differentiate between the two forms of karate?

CK: In its own words, UNESCO is responsible for, “Coordinating international cooperation in education, science, culture and communication.” It naturally follows therefore that it has no interest in sport.

CFA: do you have a message for the world?

CK: I hope that traditional karate people everywhere will support our application to UNESCO so Okinawan dentou karate will receive the recognition that it deserves. Please remember that Okinawan traditional 

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